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Strategies for Continuous Growth in Auto Repair Team’s Skills

The increasing infusion of new vehicle technologies into new cars gives drivers a safer, easier, and more pleasant travel experience behind the wheel. With little or no effort by the driver or passengers, technologies like crash avoidance systems, the Internet of Things (IoT), and sensor systems are elevating consumer expectations of vehicle performance and capabilities.

However, this technological evolution in the automotive industry is moving faster than traditional automotive technician training. Some shops struggle to stay current with tools and instructions on repairing new cars with these advances.

This article will explore the expansion of these new technologies and how you can continually keep your team members’ auto repair skills current using state-of-the-art training software.

Development improves customer satisfaction

Auto shops have to continuously update their training routine to promote customer satisfaction as new technologies enter the market. It is too costly for your operations and brand image to turn away customers because your technicians are not up to speed on the latest car tech. 

To stay current, your technicians must know about the new drivetrains, sensors, and equipment required to power the following new technologies. 

Internet access is practically mandatory in many new cars, and Wi-Fi connectivity is a significant selling point for many automakers. As a result, technicians must be familiar with all telematic solutions. 

In addition, cell phones play a major business and personal role in most people’s lives. This is why most automakers provide a downloadable app that lets you lock and unlock your car door remotely, check vital maintenance indicators,  find the nearest gas station, and complete other owner-operator-related functions.

To stay competitive, your auto repair shop must accommodate your customers by offering repairs on the new auto technology.

Well-trained employees stay longer

The rapid rollout of new technologies has created an environment where many auto repair technicians are unaware of a new auto technology system until they must fix one. Consequently, the lack of automobile technician training to correctly identify the components and diagnose problems in these new systems can be frustrating for a technician.

With the auto technician shortage worsening, unhappy team members can put your shop in a tenuous situation. A recent study by Wrenchway revealed that there will be a shortfall of about 642,000 auto technicians by 2024. Also, 79% of technicians have contemplated leaving the industry. And 69% of them feel they are going through some level of job burnout.

Although it’s not the complete solution to the problem, easy and quick access to auto technician training in all the new technologies can go a long way to keeping your auto repair team members on the job. This advice is especially true when they don’t need to return to school and assume more student debt. In fact, according to a recent survey,  94% of employees said they would stay with their current employment longer if training and development were available to them.

Streamline your processes with more efficient repairs

Regardless of how fast technology moves, a subscription-based solution like Autodata Training can keep your auto technicians updated on repairing the latest auto technologies. You only need an internet connection to access the easy-to-use Autodata Training portal, which is a central hub and gateway to your technician’s training courses and achievement records. Your technicians can use a Smartphone, laptop, or tablet to find courses under key areas of study, ranging from fundamental to advanced topics. They can also search for a course with diagnostic trouble codes.

Available through a video module, each ten-minute-long course includes a knowledge check quiz. In addition, the Autodata Training portal tracks the trainee’s progress in real-time. When a trainee receives a passing grade of 80% on all the modules, they earn a certificate of completion and receive a digital transcript.

Partnering with new technologies for better driver experiences and profitability

The constant influx of new technologies into automobiles shows no signs of slowing down. But suppose your auto repair keeps pace with smarter automobile technician training and proper tool inventories. In this case, the new technologies will add value for your customers and more revenue for your shop by getting ahead of your competition in repair competencies.

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